Q&A with Elliott Moon on Worship Music

At this time we are going to take a little pause from the Fight Club series.  Today I will change things up a bit by inviting longtime friend Elliott Moon to share this space, and to offer a somewhat different perspective on some of the issues that I hit upon in my earlier posts on worship.

Elliott Moon is the musical director at Browns Bridge Community Church, a new campus of North Point that opened last fall in the Cumming area, about 45 miles north of downtown Atlanta.  Today he is here to offer his thoughts on worship music and the worship culture of evangelical Protestant-dom as he sees it from his vantage point.  So without further ado…please welcome Elliott Moon. 

JD:  Tell me about yourself.  What led you to become involved in the world of worship music?  What led you to the position where you are now?

EM:  I am 32 years old, married with 2 little girls.  I have been playing drums for 22 years, professionally for 14.  I got involved in the world of worship music through my youth group at church.  We had no idea what it meant to worship with the instruments that we had. There was no place for them in “big church” so we would set up our band in Sunday school, and play songs that we heard on the radio, but we just rewrote the lyrics to fit “church.”  Not until I went off to school at Samford University, did I start to explore the idea of worship, what it meant, and how I could play a role in that.  I started traveling with a worship leader that I met at school, and se spent most of our time leading at youth retreats and summer camps.  After school I moved to Atlanta where I had accepted a job as Technical Director at a church.  I did that for a year, then I decided it was now or never if I was ever going to try to make a living at doing music full time.  So I started playing with different artists in town, and eventually was able to sustain my living that way.  I landed with Steve Fee where I played for him for 7 years.  It was during my traveling with him that I learned a ton about worship, and not only that, but I started to realize that I not only enjoyed playing music, and leading in worship, but my heart was to pastor.  That’s when things started changing for me, and I how I ended up in my current role as Music Director at Browns Bridge Community Church. Continue reading “Q&A with Elliott Moon on Worship Music”

Q&A With Guest Blogger Billy Phenix (Part 2)

[UPDATE:  Both of these posts, Part 1 and Part 2, are now closed to comments.  For some bizarre reason that I am at a complete loss to comprehend, the comment spammers have fixated upon these two posts as the primary target of their attack.  I just got tired of dealing with this, so I figured it would be best for me to just shut the whole thing down.  Besides, I figure that by now, anyone who has anything worth saying about these two posts has probably already said it.  Sorry for the inconvenience.]

Today we have guest blogger Billy Phenix with us once again.  Billy Phenix is a longtime friend of mine who wanted to stop by and ask some questions related to a post on autism I did a while back.  Last time we did not get through all of those questions, so now we will pick up where we left off. Continue reading “Q&A With Guest Blogger Billy Phenix (Part 2)”

Q&A With Guest Blogger Billy Phenix

[UPDATE:  Both of these posts, Part 1 and Part 2, are now closed to comments.  For some bizarre reason that I am at a complete loss to comprehend, the comment spammers have fixated upon these two posts as the primary target of their attack.  I just got tired of dealing with this, so I figured it would be best for me to just shut the whole thing down.  Besides, I figure that by now, anyone who has anything worth saying about these two posts has probably already said it.  Sorry for the inconvenience.]

Today we are very excited to have with us a longtime friend, Billy Phenix.  Billy Phenix is currently the high school pastor at Buckhead Church.  I have known him for several years, ever since he was the singles pastor at North Point.  He was very interested in an earlier post about autism on this blog, and he wanted to come and ask me some questions on that subject. Continue reading “Q&A With Guest Blogger Billy Phenix”